Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Got A Lot Done Today...

...including some stacks. Ran errands all day, and still found time to do a little work in the garden. Here 'ya go.


These were today's first works. On the right is Center Stage Stone. I haven't been doing any really delicate balances lately because they have a tendancy to fall and take down other stacks. I put up the stage so that I could do delicate stuff on the days that there is no rebuilding to do, and to showcase some really cool stones that have been serving border duty around the garden edge for lack of a better spot in the stacks. I think they appreciated their moment in the sun. Literally. They get the last of the day's sun.


Center Stage Stone. I actually put one more on the stage later.


Treehugger Arch. This is the last thing I did today. I may move it soon, even though it's pretty darned solid. I think it just needs a place where it is more easily viewed.


Ghost in the garden.


I like the slash of sunlight on this guy.


This is a really great looking piece of quartz. The sun is good to it.


One of my favorite little accents.


I can't resist putting this one up again and again, even though it only lasts about an hour or two when I do.

Sunday, March 13, 2005


Don't Pay The Ransom...

...I escaped. I wasn't really kidnapped. I know it's been over a week since I posted, but last week we had monster winds that took down nearly every stack in the garden. I worked every day last week, had jury duty one day, and I had to study a lot for the new job, so I didn't get any stacking done at all. Today was gloriously sunny, though, and I got a lot of work done. All of the stacks are back up except one, which I hope to get to tomorrow. Here's the latest photo collection.


Some of today's new work. Treehugger stack is back up, as are Tabletop Roundies and the rest of the gang. As usual, I moved some stones around the garden to give them a little variety.


Another shot of some of the new stacks.


This one is pretty tall, up to my eyes.


A couple little balances with some of the leftovers.


The new Redstone Arch.


The new Baby Stack. It has three teeth now.


The new Tabletop Roundies.


Closeup of the new Treehugger Stack. The quartz on top has a really beautiful deposit of mica in it.


End of the day in the garden.

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