Friday, August 05, 2005


Okay, so I know it's been a while...

...but I've been busy. And slack. And all sorts of stuff. But I took a couple of trips recently and got you some more pics. The weekend of July 16, Susan and I went to Panama City and stayed with my friend Mark Bowen. I did some balances on Shell Island. The next week I went to Portland, Oregon to visit my sister and did balances at Mt. St. Helens and on the coast. I'm back. Check it out.


These are on Shell Island off of Panama City Beach in Florida. Look back to see the two balances on the jetty. I knocked over the ones I did on the beach, but kept the others standing. They stood through some really strong winds. I was impressed.


This is the whole gang on Shell Island. They go eight in all. I later di another back on the jetty in the background.


I liked this guy.


A two-banger.


Did this one at Mt. St Helens on July 26. This is at the end of the trail that they would let you walk, at the end of the curve known as The Devil's Elbow. The mountain steamed a lot that day, and the balance, St. Helenstone, paid homage to the forces that flung her so far from her home.


Me and St. Helenstone


This guy appreciated the balance. Then he went on.


This guy is at Lincoln Beach on the Oregon coast on July 28. It is at the end of the beach, which is accessible at low tide. That means tide pools of starfish and stuff. This stone goes about sixty pounds, and as I balanced it, over my head while balanced on rocks below it, it dawned on me that the stone could break my leg and leave me stranded in a place that would turn ugly in a few hours. Luckily, I didn't have a knife, so I wouldn't have sawed off any body parts to escape.


A little further out.


And a long shot for scale.

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