Friday, February 04, 2005


An Apology Is Due...

...I think, to gravity. This morning I was standing at the kitchen window filling the coffee pot and looked out to see a bird perched atop one of my balances. It stood for a moment, and when it took off, it pushed the top stone off of the stack. Maybe gravity has been innocent of the daily demise of the more delicate stacks I have been repairing. I had always suspected foul play on the part of the squirrel contingency that lurks in the yard, but never did I contemplate aviary avarice. I must have a plan.

One of the most rewarding experiences of my day was finding birdshit on a totem's head. It sorta feels like acceptance. One day back when I was walking down Moffitt Branch Road to start working on Antipodean Acrimony in the River, I noticed a big bird sitting on top of one of the Octuplets. I walked more slowly and finally stopped and crouched down to get my camera out of my purse. I apparently stood back up too quickly and frightened the thing and it took off quickly and knocked its Octuplet over, and of course, they were all very close, so it fell into another which fell into another ... I think I had to rebuild five in varying degrees. I wish an award-winning photographer had been there instead of me. Not to stack the rocks, but to take the photo, I mean.

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