Sunday, February 13, 2005


Warm But Windy...

...was how the day was, but I needed to rebuild the garden. It was a good day. I'm writing this late on Saturday (or early Sunday), because I lost track of time while stacking today and had to rush off to be in Hell (work) on time. It was a big night at work so I had a drink after and am getting home just now to blog for you all.
I have been energized by the recent comments from the dog slaves (the guys who follow their dogs around with plastic bags to collect crap) who have started stopping to offer complements on the garden. The common comment is "How do you drill the holes to put the rod through?" I then tell them that they are all balanced and they are sufficiently wowwed. It's a nice ego boost. The wind took a lot of stuff as I built today, mostly my delicate caps, so I was able to just put the tops on at the end. Each night and morning as I lie in bed I listen to the wind chimes on the porch, which have become alarms of doom for the stacks I have created. No worries, though, I can make more. It was glorious, however, to come home late tonight, and find that EVERY SINGLE STACK WAS STILL UP! Even through the winds of today! I walked around and told them how proud I was of them. They like that.

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